[news]How to watch the 'strawberry moon' eclipse from anywhere Friday

Get ready to look to the night sky on Friday. A full "strawberry moon" is on the calendar, and it will come with an understated partial eclipse for some parts of the world. While the moon will be at its absolute fullest on Friday around noon PT, you'll have several opportunities to enjoy the view. The moon will still look full from early Thursday morning through early Sunday morning, NASA said Monday.

North America will miss the eclipse, but the Virtual Telescope Project will livestream the lunar event from Italy above a view of the Rome skyline. Mark your calendar for noon PT on Friday, June 5,

A penumbral eclipse is much more subtle than a total eclipse. The moon slips through the Earth's outer (penumbral) shadow, which can trigger a slight darkening of the moon. If you didn't know it was happening, you might miss it. A partial penumbral eclipse like the one on Friday makes it even harder to spot a difference.

Unfortunately, the "strawberry" nickname for the June full moon doesn't refer to a color, but seems to be an old reference to the strawberry harvest season. NASA's Gordon Johnston rounded up a list of alternative names for this month's moon, including mead moon, honey moon, hot moon and planting moon.

Even if the eclipse is too faint to detect, you can still take a moment to bask in the light of a lovely full moon this week.

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